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4 Ways to Deal With Those Who Use While You’re in Recovery

How to Get Past Your Fear of Sobriety

Though you may naturally gravitate toward keeping your guard up, a good support group can encourage you to unburden yourself and help you understand that other people have faced similar challenges. On days when you are struggling to keep your recovery moving forward, take stock of what you’ve accomplished and all the things you’ve done right so far. By re-shifting your focus to what is going well, you will spend less time dwelling on anything that feels scary or intimidating. Practicing an attitude of gratitude will allow you to worry less about whether you can handle the path ahead of you and provide you with a more realistic, centered perspective. Furthermore, it isn’t uncommon for those who binge drink to end up developing alcohol use disorder.

Here’s how to get over your fear of love after your ex betrayed you

“Whether a person’s sobriety journey is easy or challenging doesn’t take away from the fact that they are deserving of respect and joy.” Dealing with setbacks or relapses is a common part of the recovery process. It’s important to view these events not as failures but as opportunities for learning and growth. If you experience a setback, take the time to analyze what led to the relapse and discuss it with your support network or therapist to understand the triggers involved.

  • Practice and plan your responses so that you feel confident and prepared in these environments.
  • Substances like alcohol and drugs may mask stress, emotional pain, or traumatic experiences so for those who experience those feelings deeply, being without that protective shield, if you will, can be scary.
  • Research shows that if you maintain these types of toxic relationships, your chances of relapsing are greater.
  • A lover of words, tea and trees, my gift is helping you to quit drinking in a way that feels good so you can return to yourself and find your own Sober Bliss.
  • It can also manifest as a tendency to avoid things such as flying on a plane, driving a car, or leaving one’s house due to overestimating their inherent risk.
  • There are plenty of things people do that do not involve or center around alcohol.

Why Am I Scared of Being Sober?

How to Get Past Your Fear of Sobriety

So here’s a deep dive into the many reasons people struggle on their unique paths to sobriety as well as insights on how to overcome the fears and challenges they’ll likely meet along the way. However, others striving for or in sobriety may find themselves asking “Why is sobriety so hard? ” Lifestyle modifications can be uncomfortable and perhaps even generate anger and resentment. We assume that we will live for many years and always be blessed with sound health.

  • The only way to get past your fear is to shine a light on it, accept it, examine it, and then work through it.
  • Aside from identifying triggers and practicing coping mechanisms, it also means having people to reach out to in times of temptation.
  • Having an accountability partner or gaining a stronger sense of trust with friends and family.
  • Recovery programs can be excellent for helping you find like-minded folks who are also working to stay sober.
  • “I have healthy relationships, a career that I can show up to every day, and a deep level of self-worth that I never imagined I’d ever have before I got sober,” Natasha says.

Work through your fears

No one could see that on the inside, I was broken, sad and lonely. Robbie, who has 32 years in sober recovery, was once traveling fear of being sober across the U.S. with a group of her sober pals. They stopped at a roadside diner and stayed sitting there deep into the night.

How to Get Past Your Fear of Sobriety

Add a Cup of Support

Hence, I find comfort in believing in something bigger than me. Creating a relationship with healthy trust, communication, and connection is easier than you think. It can be as simple as consciously choosing the words you use to say what’s on your mind (and in your heart). To learn how to trust your current partner, start practicing being present. Whenever you feel anxious, jealous, and suspicious, remind yourself of the facts.

What are the first steps to take if I’m afraid to become sober?

  • Treating co-occurring disorders ensures people don’t fall back into addiction because of unchecked mental health conditions.
  • He continued by stating that research shows the approach of the CRAFT program is more effective than confrontation (which can be part of many well-meaning interventions).
  • Sobriety can be scary, especially if your battle with addiction has been a long one.
  • Fry adds that it’s important for those trying to achieve emotional sobriety that it’s OK if you don’t rely on specific family members.
  • Fears about sobriety are common, even for people who desperately seek it.

Those who are overly pessimistic and say, “I’m going to be miserable forever,” will inevitably fail. Being at a party or trying to find the perfect romantic partner without alcohol is the stuff of nightmares for many people. Even people for whom alcohol is not a problem experience this. You have to do what is best for you, and you can’t let your anxiety about a sober future prevent you from doing what you need to do. Maybe these people have been in your life since childhood, and you’ve all fallen into the same trap.

How to Get Past Your Fear of Sobriety

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