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Understanding synergy: The power of combined efforts LogRocket Blog

what is a synergy in business

Lastly, when a cash-rich company acquires a cash-starved company, the former can invest in the revenue-generating projects of the latter. For example, an IT company may acquire a smaller IT company that lacks infrastructure but has a strong marketing and PR department. Corporate synergy refers to the benefits that two firms are expected to gain when they merge or when one firm acquires another. The synergistic effect of such transactions often forms the basis of the negotiations between the seller and the buyer. At its core, synergy describes a way to work together to produce great results.

Understanding synergy: The power of combined efforts

The reason why they are called hard versus soft is because cost savings are usually much easier to actually realize compared to revenue or financial synergies. Revenue synergy is based on the premise that the two companies combined can generate higher sales than the sum of their individual sales. There are many examples of successful company mergers and acquisitions, and the reason behind their success is the identification of synergies early on. Overall, synergy is the potential financial benefit achieved when when does your child have to file a tax return two companies merge.

what is a synergy in business

Successful M&As require meticulous planning, seamless integration, and alignment of corporate cultures. Historical data show mixed results, with many high-profile mergers failing to realize the anticipated synergies because of cultural clashes, poor integration strategies, and overestimation of benefits. Understanding the complexities and potential pitfalls of financial synergy is crucial for investors reviewing the impact of proposed business combinations. Synergy is a process in which individuals or companies combine their resources and efforts to achieve more productivity, efficacy, and performance than they could alone.

How Has the Concept of Financial Synergy Evolved With the Acceleration of Digital Transformation in Finance?

Integrating two businesses and the entirety of what those businesses represent—including finances, employees, products, culture, and practices—takes a lot of time and effort. Without the right change management process, the M&A process can fall short of its intended benefits. Financial synergy refers to the potential benefits that firms seek to achieve through M&As, resulting from the combined operations of the merged, acquired, or collaborating entities. These benefits can be seen through improvements in revenue growth, lower costs, tax advantages, and improved financial performance.


Increased marketing channels and resources may result in reduced costs. If revenue synergies can be considered to be value added at the front-end, cost synergies might well be considered value added in the back office. It should be noted, however, the research shows that capturing revenue synergies takes, on average,  a few years longer than capturing cost synergies. Synergy, most commonly used in M&A, refers to the additional value created by a transaction. When a transaction has synergy, it means that the value of the newly created entity will be greater than the value of the separate individual parts. Companies that operate established distribution networks in specific geographical locations may enter into an M&A transaction with companies with distribution networks in other geographical markets.

Destroying a well-build synergy is so easy — one word, or one excuse can erase all your efforts. I had to arrange meetings, brainstorming sessions, gamification activities to repair trust between them. A couple of years ago, I had a business problem with internal customers because they insisted on a feature request that I found unnecessary.

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The idea is that the combined efforts of two or more entities are greater than those entities alone. In business terms, however, though companies may aim to achieve synergy by joining forces, the result often lacks synergy, making the endeavor a waste—or worse, a loss. Moreover, financial synergy allows firms to access new markets and diversify their portfolios, reducing risk and enhancing stability. This strategic alignment fosters innovation and strengthens market positioning, enabling companies to capitalize on emerging opportunities. Ultimately, financial synergy contributes to sustainable business expansion, maximizing shareholder value and ensuring resilience in a dynamic economic landscape.

Prioritizing communication and cultural integration helps to minimize disruptions and foster a cohesive working environment. Overestimating the financial benefits or underestimating the integration costs can result in disappointing returns. Achieving synergy through M&As often faces significant integration challenges. Combining different operational systems, processes, and internet technology is complex and time-consuming.

what is a synergy in business

Overall, synergy is a state of cooperative interaction between several participants. In business, synergy refers to the teamwork generated from different companies merging their efforts. There are several areas in which companies can accomplish those synergies. Marketing synergy refers to the marketing benefits that two parties in an M&A transaction may enjoy when promoting their products and services.

Poor integration practices and failure to properly plan for integration when diligence begins often result in lost synergies. As we often say, no one wants a deal that only looks good on paper; therefore, synergy realization is essential. Access and download collection of free Templates to help power your productivity and performance.

These synergies include information campaigns, marketing tools, research and development, as well as marketing personnel. The potential synergy is considered when two companies are planning to merge, or a large company is planning to acquire its smaller competitor and thereby increase the efficiency of its operations. The expected synergy is measured in terms of the potential to increase revenues, add technology, or reduce costs. Financial synergy drives growth in mergers and acquisitions by combining resources and expertise. Here, we explore two significant examples from the past that highlight its transformative impact on businesses. Businesses emphasize teamwork since collective efforts yield better results than individual efforts.

  1. A quick Google search yields list upon list of “the top 100 worst business buzzwords”—and nearly all of the lists include synergy.
  2. In an economic context, this often applies to business mergers, acquisitions, or partnerships where the collaborating entities operate more efficiently together than separately.
  3. Our mission is to empower people to make better decisions for their personal success and the benefit of society.
  4. Unlocking the value inherent in combining two or more companies is what should drive all M&A practice.

When justifying large M&A business transactions, companies invariably turn to the synergies that the deal will bring, including cost and revenue synergies. office supplies and office expenses on business taxes However, when the team members are in constant conflicts with each other, it can result in decreased quality of products and services, reduced efficiency of operations, and poor utilization of resources. Also, the merged company may enjoy more tax breaks and pay less tax than the two former companies before the merger.

While these operations can be independent, they may not produce the same results when used individually. It is often the driving factor that companies consider when considering a merger or acquisition. One of the cost benefits is the amount incurred in paying employees’ salaries and wages. The merger process may make some roles redundant, and the company may lay off employees whose input is no longer needed or whose roles are duplicated. The move will result in cost savings, which will increase the amount of profits for the combined entity. From a strategic standpoint, financial synergy is crucial for business growth and competitive positioning.

Whether you are conducting M&A transaction on the buy or sell-side, synergies are immensely important. A merger can also reduce job duplication and multiple levels of management. A successful product development process depends on collaboration between customer, business, and development teams. When companies with complementary strengths merge, they can be more creative, enter new markets, and develop new products and services, driving long-term success. For example, if a group of individuals or enterprises work together to achieve a common objective, the outcome will be better (positive) than if they worked alone. Negative synergy suggests that if group members disagree or have a clash of ego, all the efforts will be less valuable than an individual effort.

From freemium to hyper local, these terms are used so often that they essentially lose all meaning. A quick Google search yields list upon list of “the top 100 worst business buzzwords”—and nearly all of the lists include synergy. Thus, collaborating as a team or merging as an entity is not synergy, while working collectively and thinking constructively is. Synergy, in essence, underscores the value of collaboration and interconnected efforts across various domains.

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